3-Day Pedagogical Eurythmy Workshop with Prosper Nebel

18-20 October 2024


Venue: Rudolf Steiner House

£20 for non-members of Eu Assoc of GB & Ireland

Assoc. members & eurythmy students no charge.

Meals: RSH café and nearby local businesses.

Accommodation: Budget local hostels avail.

Payment: (online, or in cash on the day) to:

Account Name: Eurythmy Assoc of Gt Britain & Ireland  (Pls note exact spellings and layout)

Account Number: 65221798 Sort Code 089299

Please include the reference: NEBEL WKSHP OCT 2024

‘Prosper is an excellent teacher for eurythmy education with masses of wonderful material to share for all the grades. He plays piano for his own classes and weaves the classes into a whole experience.

Taught at the London training and for me in Oslo. 

Highly recommend.’

Coralee Frederickson, Professor @ Masters Eurythmy in English/ Alanus University.

Please confirm attendance by 1st week of Oct 2024

For more info contact: e.carlson@btinternet.com